Tag Archives: welcome

The Origins of Spartan Fitness

The Spartan Law “No retreat, no surrender” has always been a staple of the Spartan Fitness operation. To us, it symbolizes courage against the steepest of odds, and a willingness to throw your last vestiges of strength into a cause that you are passionate about. Spartans believed that we, as a people, should strive daily to become the best versions of ourselves, and in such an endeavor, laziness will not do! Failure is not an option, defeat; a myth, and disappointment is merely fuel with which to feed the flames of our dreams.

Success, my friends, in fitness and ALL things, is a choice. With our posts, we hope to encourage you to choose better through healthy tips, motivational videos, and inspiring stories from your fellow readers, spartans, and bloggers.

We are strong believers in community, and are always open to questions, comments, and concerns. Visit our Contact Us page to learn more about how to book a spartan to make a nutritional plan for you or train you in your home, to e-mail us personally, or to become a Spartan Fitness writer yourself!

For Merchants, please e-mail info.spartanfitness@gmail.com for more information on how to advertise on our page!